1.0 Introduction
1.1 labour related issue and their solutions
      Islam always emphasized the right of workers and employees and prohibit any type of tyranny and unfairness to them because Islam teaches us to be fair in any matter. The basic of the value in Islam are just and fair in dealings and they must always be emphasized. In Islam to we have how much wages give to labour, in Islam we cannot give wages in our technique in Islam we have consistent or characteristic that give wages to labour how much .The issue of labour is the defective economy system are the main and remain cause of the problems that the worker have to struggling hard to cope with today.

       On this issue, the main factor that have to be responsible on the failing of this system is the corrupt social. If there is social corruption or no change in the economic system will cause the oppressed to the workers no tangible or worthwhile improvement can be expected in the lives of the working social. In view of the importance of Islam in every Muslim’s daily life, Islamic teachings might have appeared prominently in labor and employment laws in these countries.

2.0 What has caused the damage?

            In the current economic system in the Pakistan country is not simply the British imperialism. Writing by Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dihlawi show evident said that people become restless under an inhospitable and depressive economic dispensation. When the British were colonizing, many things have changed to that cause Pakistan more worse. The cause of this decline, first is the new ruler is the symbolic of materialistic culture only, second is the it was glorious time of western capitalism and there is no authority to present all powerful capitalism and lastly the colonial nature British had set themselves to take advantage and benefit more from the country to serve in their own country in any way. They were able to free themselves from the British, but after British leave the country they failed to make changes to replace the colonial economic structure, even before independence day, nobody do not  know what to be followed in the post colonial days of political independence.

            Which the system introduced by the colonial regime which base on capitalism, remain in force even today. When want to make a change the system was very strength. The Islamic republic does not care to make any changes or amendments introduce new pre-independence laws for the good of the community, which the Raj had promulgated to safeguard its own interest. Rules and regulation set by colonial during this period, intact and cause no change in Pakistan's policy administration and administrative policy continues of the it's just oppressive education system. If independence is a natural source of ideological struggle and moral well-planned, there would have a clear action plan from the outset, on the basis of an independent country can move forward.

3.0 The Real Need

          The need of our real today is reposition the economy that inherited by British because British bring the system of capitalism that caused our labour being complaint about the British being bad to them and created injustice. The cure is we have to get out form the existing system that was under the rule of the former British and we have to try to create a new moral and ideological which can eliminate injustice to the people. If we do not make this change there is no improvement on this issue that solve the problem.
                As refer to the author on this book (Sayyid Abul A’la Mawdudi, First Principles of Islamic Economics), he believe that all solution problem can solve through the Islam and only Islam is a provide a value justice in social and is way of life, because Islam teach us to e justice to people and Quran and Sunnah are truly quick reference to us because the content are very details that can help our daily lives problem. From the guidelines Quran and Sunnah can ensure justice as well as eliminate the injustice but not justice at all but all our daily live recorded in Quran and Sunnah.

4. The Resolution of Problem
          For the resolution of this problem we should establish as soon as possible of the writ of justice, as long as we can. We have to create some a form written command or to summon or warrant those people being injustice. Secondly, in addressing the difficulties of the working class, all evidence must be looked. Nothing should be left. We have to look it details and no one should be left. Thirdly, the westerner should not be allowed to use these problem (the working class problem) and use the labour people as tool for their system or any other system apart of Islam.
         Author have given an example that can more understand, he said that when the patient is groaning with pain, some maybe want take an opportunity to rob of his valuables. And other person may think difficulty and try to get first aid and for him that pain is reduced at least after the treatment. Those the objective can be resolution problem but the capitalist but rather they use it only for political interest. The real order for farm labour, industrial worker and the downtrodden will begin the moment that the communist take charge, today you can at least do the demonstration, raise your voice and the choice to leave one place of work for another in the worker of paradise of communist. No one dared to make a protest because the land belonged it to them and they have no choice because they have only one land.

5. Agenda For Reform

          When talk about agenda for reform, he (Sayyid Abul A’la Mawdudi)  standly firm that we have to make a step to remove the worry working class, to improve a lot since country deprives of the blessing of Islamic rules. He does not believe any form of class-conflict because Islam was eliminated completely all class distinctions and the feudalist structure of local polity. Due to the lack of ethical and moral values caused many standard variation class injustice and cruelty in society. Communism aims at booting class biases further. In islam, we are not aimed fight as formenting class-conflict and exploiting the poverty just like communist. That he believed that introduction of Islam can reform a new agenda that want to change from communist to Islam. This agenda reform will show the workers what a risk to do. He suggest that labour should not give up unlawful practices, they must not aim to monopolize benefit and other some unlawful. They (authors) have introduce measurer that they want to make a reform to society. A reform up following to block interest, gambling, betting and unlawful all this that can be unjustice to other people because is haram on shari’ah Islam. Next,those who are rich they want to carry out strict and to get from them that unlawful keep to deposited in Public Treasury, when implementing this agenda, it would eliminate the unfair accumulation of wealth and only gained wealth prevalence of corruption. Next, to eliminate all economic imbalance created by feudal system and that landholding make many problem to others, for this, which is based on Islamic sharia should take about thus and we can follow these step; Extraordinary reform measure can be taken under:
        i.            Clear all those landholding by feudal system.
      ii.            Reduce land ownership rights to a certain limit, the excess of the purchase of government.
    iii.            Practice of Muzara’ah (a crop sharing contract)  will the un-Islamic practice will stopped and can stopped the tyranny
    iv.            So who is have being paid by lower, it should provide necessary facilities relating their basic needs.

6. Wages in Islam
          When talk about wages in Islam,the price of salary and labour should be determine according to Quran and Hadith. Wages in Islam is the price or remuneration paid to labour for its services in the production process. In Al-quran its talk about Zulqarnain “They said, "O Dhul-Qarnayn, indeed Gog and Magog are [great] corrupters in the land. So may we assign for you an expenditure that you might make between us and them a barrier? ” 18:94. People request him to build a wall for them, and they would be paying him a tribute or wages. In islam when someone do a work it must be the employer should paid wages to the worker.
      Prophet prohibit hiring without fixed in advance and which is above are example in Quran shows clearly that workers need clear his salary and will be paid after completion of the worker. Islam has set rules on wages the one of it is employer should provide the basic necessities , employer should give a right wages to the worker that worker can complete their basic necessities such as clothes, shelter, food and so on and employer should not leave the worker without their basic necessities.
         Next, to those worker under him. Employer should treat the worker as their own brother because prophet said “those working with us like your brother and let him feed what he feels himself”. Third, during Umar period, he pay the wages based on the revised based on the several criteria such as best performance, long experience and based on knowledge level, we must give the wages in kind what the worker work for, for an example maybe he/she have many years’ experience in their industry work so it must be equal what the worker work.
       It’s right to employees to have his wages specified advance and to get a complete wages. Quran says that “Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female” (03: 195), and the Prophet said that “Allah would be enemy of three persons on the day of Resurrection and one of them would be the one who hired somebody for some stipulated wage, took full advantage of his labor and then did not give him his due.”. Lastly, should be punctual and time payment of wages was narrated by prophet; “Give employee his/her wages before the sweat is dry on him”, so who delay the wages is called as crime if the employer not paid advancely.

7. Conclusion
            In conclusion, we argue in this issues  that in order to understand Islamic provisions on labor rights, one needs to look at original sources and not at self-aggrandizing Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia .Islamic labor rights provisions are quite compatible with international labor standards. As we have tried to show, it is not the religion that is oppressing the individual and collective rights. Rather, these are the monarchic states which interpret the religion in such a way so as to legitimize their un-Islamic rules. We have tried to prove this point without any effort to Islamicize modern international labor standards
 Which human role, particularly in term of the development of the world is important. Without human world will not be created. This case shows the importance of the creation of man. But this does not mean that man as a development tool for human termed as a development tool for human termed as a more likely occurrence of the “subjugation of man for another man”.
        The worker that time have been victim above the British government and make them suffer under government British that cause tyranny and poverty. Only Islam can solved this problem, Islam provides measure to get out from the westerner style.

8. References

1.      Muhammad Akram Khan, An Introduction To Islamic Economics, International Institute of Islamic Thought and Institute of Policy Studies, 1994
2.      Sayyid Abul A’la Mawdudi , First Principles Of Islamic Economics, The Islamic Foundation ,2011
3.      Surthaman Kasi Hassan, Sanep Ahmad, Ekonomi Islam Dasar dan Amalan, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Kuala Lumpur, 2014
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